Council’s Green Spaces Motion - March 2024

In January 2024, Victoria City Council unanimously approved the Green Spaces Motion. This motion directs staff to identify, accelerate, and pilot partial or complete road closures to create or enable new boulevards, community spaces, placemaking initiatives, and green spaces; and that staff use some or all of the following criteria to guide and prioritize pilot projects:  

  • Identify areas in which overall impacts to traffic flow are marginal;  

  • Enhance safety for children, pedestrians, seniors, and those with mobility challenges, as well as pilots that enhance liveability and community vibrancy; 

  • Consider ways of activating streets and supporting small businesses via new pedestrianized zones; 

  • Choose projects that connect green spaces bifurcated by roads and/or connect school grounds to green spaces; 

  • Ensure prioritization for greenspace, pollinator corridors, biodiverse native plants, shade trees, and, where possible, food-producing plants;  

  • Where possible, implement bioswales, rainwater gardens, and other green stormwater strategies

Read the UFT’s letter to Council RE Green Space Motion


City of Victoria’s Official Community Plan 10-year Update - March 2024

The City of Victoria is updating the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Victoria to meet the needs of the growing population and address the housing and climate crises. The plan they make now will help Victoria grow and change to meet future challenges. Their engagement period is open from March to September 2024.

Read the UFT’s Letter to Council RE Food Systems in the OCP here.